Intimacy with GOD (CHRIST) Texts. Isaiah 53: 1-12
God gave Himself to us, despite His Fatherly position: sent His son for our Redemption, and the Holy Spirit to preserve us in this glorious union, we are very valuable to Him who gave Himself as an eternal inheritance for us: qualifying us to have access to the Throne Room and God’s heart, because His heart is filled with excess love. Do believe it and desire it.
- We are predestined to be joint heirs with Christ Jesus from the original plan of creation and now we are born again: to live in blissful glory with Him on earth as divinely planned in Eden.
- We are Redeeemed for His use, to bridge the gap between Him and mankind, after the fall and restoration of man: we became reference point as new creatures, separated to please Him, not the carnal minded man, for He is pure and so “He seeks such to worship Him, in truth and in Spirit“.
- By the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, the process of dynamic blending of our new divine attitudes, characters gifts and the fruit of the Spirit begins: so as He releases His power into our lives, as, ” gods”( Psalm 82:6; John 10:34) we begin to touch, transform and transfer His nature, His power, spirit and anointing into His new disciples and repair damages done in their pasts.
We shall examine more reasons in the future: presently let us look at the advantages of INTIMACY with GOD!
- Souls and spirits transformation 2 Cor 5:17; Eph 3:23
- We are made as, ” a city set on a hill” Matt 5:14.
- Constant divine interruptions when going wrong. Proverbs 16:9; Numbers 22:23.
- Restore wilderness life to a blissfu Edenic life on earth. Isaiah 51:3; Jeremiah 30:17.
- Our dry and parched places become flooded with increase. Isaiah 58:11.
- Help from above at all times. 121
- From darkness to light. John 8:12.
Beloved this is the heritage of the saints.
You can be here, at the bosom of the Lord like John the beloved: you can daily coil up in front of Him as (His) last born. He said, “He that dwells in the secret PLACE of the MOST HIGH, shall” be the one to, “abide under the shadow of the Almighty”. You also can abide there.
Despite the schedule of metropolitan folks, we have time we can prune off from other nonessentials!!! First in Union with Him, then communion with Him gradually.
God desires our intimate fellowship.
Let us start today: pick your bible, check No’s 1-7 above, check the scriptures, lay gently before God, and tell Him, Father Lord, I won’t allow my desires to crowd you out of my life again. I love to be in your presence.
“I want you Father Lord, to meet me at this time for the next 2-3 weeks here. Love me, teach me and fill me.” Then wait after praying in tongues for a while with eyes close or open: as you concentrated no diversions nor distractions. You will receive some promptings. Write them down even if you don’t understand them.
He will gradually begin to give you words, short counsels.
Thank you.