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A Doubting Mind

A Doubting Mind of a Christian-life

A Doubting Mind of a Christian-life

Doubt or unbelief is opposite of faith. It is a feeling of being uncertain about something or not believing in something. Doubt is of the heart and it manifest in decision or indecision.

Doubt hinders God’s blessings. We stand strong in Christ by faith. That is why the scripture tells us “Whatever thing you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them” Doubt is the absent of Faith. (Mark 11:24).

God is willing and able to do more we think of, so before you doubt God, doubt your doubt. Doubt is an error in this Kingdom

Characteristics of A Doubting Mind

  1. A doubting mind is like waves of the sea blowing and tosses by the wind. It is unstable and can not receive anything from the Lord. james 1:5-7.
  2. Doubt says unless I see I will not believe John 20:24-29. if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. Please, stand for God and you’ll enjoy the benefits thereof.
  3. Doubt lack steadfastness, totally contradicting to the scripture 1cor 15:58.
  4. Doubts makes a man to miss God provision for his life numbers 13:27-33, 14:22-23
  5. A doubting mind will not believe the lord report, but will believe evil report of situation and circumstances, doctors report, economic reports and so on. Numbers 13:31-33
  6. Doubt makes a man have alternatives to God solution to any problem. Doubts sinks a man in the storms of life. Mathew 12:28-30
  7. Doubts makes God to hide his face from man. Deut. 32:20.
    The only Antidote to doubt is FAITH. Faith is fundamental to all Christian Service Mark 11:22-24, Heb 11:6 James 1:6-7, 1 john 5:4-5
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Faith is Fundamental

The only Antidote to doubt is FAITH. Faith is fundamental to all Christian Service Mark 11:22-24, Heb 11:6 James 1:6-7, 1 john 5:4-5

Faith isn’t being optimistic, it’s a feeling and a belief system that even if God didn’t do it, then nothing or no one can do it.

The Hebrew brothers had Faith, that even if God fails to show forth for them, they’ll still believe and have that trust in him. That’s Faith and not doubt

The more we believe the word of God the less we doubt. Hebrew 10:23. Faith is what satan hates the most and it is one of the major things God demands.

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When we are in faith we stand but when we are in doubt or fear we sink. Whatever we see, hear or think feed our faith and it’s right application kill our fears.

Keep your eyes off anything capable of breathing doubt, fear drifts your eyes off the word of God. Fear isn’t of God.

For God has given us the spirit of boldness, so we can approach the throne of God through Grace of the faith we carry in him. Proverb 4:20-23

Doubts sinks a man in storms and challenges of life, but Faith makes a man to overcome. Hebrew 10:35. Doubting man can never please God or receive anything from him.

Doubts sinks a man in storms and challenges of life, but Faith makes a man to overcome

When peter began to sink because of doubt, he did not keep quiet. He cried out to the ever-present help in trouble, our Lord Jesus Christ and help came his way.

Are you Presently Sinking? Do not keep quite. Cry unto Jesus and He will deliver you.

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