Our Identity as Christian
Matthew1:21; John 1:1-12; Colossians 1:12-23;
We are identified by God’s Son, as God’s children: joint-heirs with Jesus Christ. In Him we have life.
Satan knew that once he can get the christians confused or disoriented about who Christ truly is, he has succeeded in establishing a false identity for the believers. You wonder how this could be so? Galatians3:1- 3 is the answer.
Believers could be bewitched and are susceptible to be bewitched. We must be careful to remain in the Spirit at all times.
The 3 Identities of Christ Jesus.
Read Also: How To Forgive When The Situation Looks Unforgiving
- Colossians1:15-17 Christ is Lord and God.
The Supreme creator of all that is in existence. The same yesterday, today and forever. He is an indescribable wonder. The image of the invisible God, whom we are patterned after.
“For in Him were all things created… ” in Jesus Christ therefore, we are all things that He is and He is to be.
- Colossians 1:18 Christ Jesus is the Head of the Church of God.
We know the body of Christ is a living entity. In 1 Corinthians 11:24, Apostle Paul stressing what Christ said in Matthew 26:26-27, that, Christ gave his flesh and blood to us so as to be the new life of God on earth.
Christ Jesus is a mystery and those who identified with his Headship manifests the same mysteries. John 14:12 & 17
Paul, Peter and other disciples lived in this power all their lives.
- Colossians 1:19 – 23 Redeemer, Lamb of God and Saviour:
as the lamb replaced Isaac, the son of Abraham, so Jesus Christ replaced us at Calvary.
He was selfless: our identity of Him also should be selfless redemption of other souls. Today, to us new generation ministers: it doesn’t matter (we denied our identity in Christ Jesus here in fulfilling the Great Commission) consequently loosing out of God’s supreme nature, anointing and power-identity, these are areas of Divine expression of His deity through our lives, actions and living pattern.
Job said, I was eyes to the blind, legs to the lame etc. Can we be identified with any good deeds? What is, ‘pure religion’? Is not to visit the ‘fatherless, the widows’? The average believers conclusion is almost at variance with these assertion. God help us.
believers identity is not a paper or documentary facts, it is a way of life! Christ is identified by His authority, power and dominion. His nature was love. He was identified as going about doing good. What will time say about you and I?
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