Download MP3 Naomi Raine – Exactly Where I Need to Be (Car Chat) (Lyrics, Video)
Here is a gospel song titled “Exactly Where I Need to Be (Car Chat)” by an Anointed American Christian and gospel singer, songwriter, and worship leader Naomi Raine. Raine is a member of Maverick City Music collective .
At the age of 2, Naomi Raine sang in her first concert! And by the age of 7, she had already written her first song. Since that time, Naomi has taken the gifts and talents that God has given her and uses them to bring God glory wherever she goes.
“Exactly Where I Need to Be (Car Chat)” is accessible for streaming and downloading by means of all major computerized outlets around the world.
Download Exactly Where I Need to Be (Car Chat) MP3 By Naomi Raine (Lyrics, Video)
Video: Naomi Raine – Exactly Where I Need to Be (Car Chat)
Lyrics: Naomi Raine – Exactly Where I Need to Be (Car Chat)
At this point of my life, I am
I’m just trusting God
I think that I’ve resolved
That no matter where this journey takes me
I know that if He’s with me, I’m gonna be okay
And everything’s gonna be alright
And I don’t need to stress about the particulars, and
I think I’m learning to embrace discomfort, um
Because that’s life
And so, if I’m in green pastures then I’m in green pastures
And if I decide to walk in the valleys, ha
Then I have to remember that He’s with me
And I don’t have to love it in the valley
I’m safе and I’m secure
And I’m exactly whеre I need to be