Download MP3 Kirk Franklin – Pray For Me (Lyrics, Video)
Here is a gospel song titled “Pray For Me” by an American Gospel Musician known as Kirk Franklin.
Kirk Franklin & The Family spent almost two years on the gospel music charts and charted on the R&B charts, eventually earning platinum sales status.
“Pray For Me” is accessible for streaming and downloading by means of all major computerized outlets around the world.
Download Pray For Me MP3 By Kirk Franklin (Lyrics, Video)
Video: Kirk Franklin – Pray For Me
Lyrics: Kirk Franklin – Pray For Me
Pray for me, I’m afraid that I’m about to lose it all
Pray for me, I don’t need gravity for tears to fall
You can keep your fancy words and your coloured lies
Nothing super-spiritual not this time, just pray for me
Cause judging me is not helping me to grow
Pray for me, see the wrong I’ve done I already know
Will you love me if I’m dirty and I’ve lost my way
Till the blood is washed me white and I’m no longer grey
If I don’t need your approval will you let me stay, and pray for me
Pray for me [x3]
Pray for me
Please pray for me
Let’s pray!
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it in heaven
Give us our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who have trespassed against us
Lord lead us not into temptation but deliver us
From evil for thine is thy kingdom, power and the glory forever
We are asking (We are asking you to)
Pray for me!
(Listen close, you can hear the world crying)
Pray for me!
(They are saying don’t talk about me, don’t judge me just get down on your knees and)
Pray for me!
(We wanna be greater, we wanna be stronger but help us please)
Pray for me!
(The only way I can make it through the day)
Pray for me
I’m afraid that I’m about to lose it all